DT Global (formerly IMC Worldwide)
David started working with IMC Worldwide in 2015
The final report provides a description of the programme and the lessons. BCCI and ASSIST continue to offer some support: details are available from them directly.
You can read about one of the clients who manufactures and markets Sokhipad sanitary pads in Bangladesh. Another client, Agriaccess in Ghana grows sorghum, and wanted to introduce a system of micro-irrigation. This, together with improved and hybrid seed, was expected to increase yields substantially. They achieved significant coverage on national TV in Ghana. Watch the news here and wind forward about 9 minutes.
I am still working, pro bono, with one of the businesses that came through this programme. A key objective of the programme was to 'learn by doing' and to record lessons and insights. Our final learning report pulls together all the lessons from the three years that the programme ran.
PROFIT (2020-2022)
Promoting Regional Opportunities for Investment & Trade (PROFIT) started in August 2020 and launched at the end of October that year. It was an initiative of the Asian Development Bank to encourage and promote growth in trade and investment between India and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS, and which for the purposes of this project they defined as Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand). ADB awarded a contract to a partnership comprising IMC Worldwide (now subsumed into DT Global), Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry and ASSIST Asia. I acted as team leader. We developed an 'acceleration service' targeted at SMEs, that is, a programme of support designed to help businesses start or expand international trade activities more quickly (and we hoped more successfully) than they would have done if there had been no help available. The programme was especially challenging as it was implemented during the covid pandemic. Nevertheless, it achieved all its targets before coming to a conclusion in February 2022.The final report provides a description of the programme and the lessons. BCCI and ASSIST continue to offer some support: details are available from them directly.
Entrepreneurial ecosystem in Mozambique (2019)
In 2020 and early 2021, working with IMC Worldwide, David was team leader for a project in Mozambique intended to assist the Wolrd Bank to understand the small business ecosystem and the availability of support for small and growing businesses, as they explored the scope for implementing a business plan competition in partnership with the Government of Mozambique intended to help firms to grow and, in particular, to create new jobs. This research was severely interrupted by the covid19 health crisis and the team was diverted to undertake a different survey to assess the impact of covid on businesses in Mozambique.![](images/icopen.jpg)
Thank you for the good work, I am glad that we managed to get a nice and useful final report.
Federica Ricaldi, Economist, World Bank Group, Maputo
Entrepreneurial ecosystem in Nepal (2019)
In 2019, working with IMC Worldwide and two consultancies in Nepal, David was team leader for a project intended to assist the World Bank to understand the small business ecosystem and the availability of support for small and growing businesses, as they aimed to put together a programme with the Government of Nepal intended to help firms to grow and, in particular, to create new jobs. The report is available on the World Bank website.![](images/icopen.jpg)
Many thanks to you all for a tremendous effort that has yielded very interesting
and well-documented findings [...] I am confident that at a minimum it will inform
better project design and more effective engagement with Government.
Elizabeth Ruppert Bulmer, Lead Economist, Jobs Group, Social Protection
& Jobs, World Bank Group
Connect to Grow (2015-2018)
David was team leader of Connect to Grow, part of a much larger programme of DFID (now FCDO) India intended to stimulate and transfer innovation amongst SMEs. Launched in 2015, and ran until April 2018, Connect aimed to partner enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa or south Asia who already had a proven but local market with enterprises in India who had an innovation, with the objective that both could then grow faster than they could otherwise and, more importantly, that they could deliver development outcomes. Whilst it had some similarities with challenge funds, it was designed in such a way that businesses could apply at any time. They were assessed against objective criteria and awards offered until the budget was allocated rather than being forced to compete against each other in 'rounds'. Promising proposals were offered advisory support to help them reach the stage where they could potentially submit a proposal likely to be acceptable to the advisory board.You can read about one of the clients who manufactures and markets Sokhipad sanitary pads in Bangladesh. Another client, Agriaccess in Ghana grows sorghum, and wanted to introduce a system of micro-irrigation. This, together with improved and hybrid seed, was expected to increase yields substantially. They achieved significant coverage on national TV in Ghana. Watch the news here and wind forward about 9 minutes.
I am still working, pro bono, with one of the businesses that came through this programme. A key objective of the programme was to 'learn by doing' and to record lessons and insights. Our final learning report pulls together all the lessons from the three years that the programme ran.