
Innovations against poverty (2011-2013)

Low-income markets can offer significant business opportunities. Indeed, Micahel Porter has argued that some of the areas in the US that house the poorest people actually have the highest aggregate level of disposable income - because the density of housing is much higher than in areas that house the more affluent. Similarly, in developing countries, businesses offering the right products and services at the right price can be competitive and profitable. Innovations Against Poverty is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency to support inclusive business models that benefit low-income populations whilst delivering commercial benefit.

This was, for a time, managed by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and, during that time, I was a member of the assessment team, reviewing applications and preparing funding recommendations.

Business Innovation Facility (2010-2012)

The Business Innovation Facility was funded by DFID (now FCDO) and managed by PwC. Its objective was to support private sector businesses to apply their core business activities and skills in a transformative and scalable manner that would enhance growth and wealth creation, reduce poverty and help meet the MMillennium Development Goals. This was undertaken through (a) offering technical assistance, (b) brokering partnerships and relationships, and 9c) creating a knowledge hub.

I participated as a member of advisory committee receiving recommendations from the team, reviewing applications and appraisals, offering advice and making recommendations on which projects to support.