Irwin Grayson Associates
Challenge Funds

Irwin Grayson Associates has undertaken a variety of assignments that might broadly be regarded as challenge funds:

Connect to Grow

On a strict definition, Connect to Grow is not a challenge fund, but it is intended to link businesses in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia with businesses in India to support growth through partnership and innovation transfer. This programme is itself the first of its kind and is supported by DFID India (2015-2018)

Innovations Against Poverty

Member of assessment team, reviewing applications, and preparing funding recommendations (SIDA, 2011-2013)

Business Innovation Facility

Member of advisory committee receiving recommendations from team, reviewing applications and appraisals, offering advice and making recommendations on which projects to support (DFID, 2010-2012)

Business Linkages Challenge Fund

Member of advisory committee receiving recommendations from team, reviewing applications and appraisals, offering advice and making recommendations on which projects to support; undertook evaluation of selected projects (DFID)

Maendeleo Agricultural Technology Fund

Undertook programme evaluation of the Maendeleo Agricultural Technology Fund managed by FARM Africa and operating in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya (Kilimo Trust, 2008)

Nigeria: Goal Oriented Local Development Fund

Development of ideas and design of fund intended to promote public private partnerships and private sector development as part of local economic development at level of Local Government Authorities (GTZ, 2007)

Financial Deepening Challenge Fund

Appointed by DFID to undertake the evaluation of the Financial Deepening Challenge Fund, a £15m fund established to support private sector led projects intended to provide new or better financial services to poor people in any of the countries in which DFID operates. (DFID, 2005)

Phoenix Fund

Whilst at Small Business Service, persuaded Treasury to triple budget of Phoenix Fund to £100m over three years specifically to support not for profit organisations promoting enterprise in most disadvantaged regions on the UK.

Middlesbrough Task Force

Appointed to provide strategy advice to Middlesbrough Task Force, most of which revolved around advising them on their relations with the not for profit sector in Middlesbrough and ways in which that sector could assist in local economic regeneration.

Newcastle West End City Challenge

Negotiated contract with City Challenge to provide strategic support and development to not for profit organisations in west end of the city who had grown on the back of City Challenge funding and were not clear how they were going to survive after termination of that support.