Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development
The OECD brings together the governments of countries committed to democracy and the market economy, inter alia, to support sutainable economic growth and assist other countries' economic development. The OECD's LEED (Local economic and employment development) programme identifies, analyses and disseminates innovative ideas for local development, governance and the social economy. David Irwin occasionally understakes short term assignments for them. Assignments have included:

Financing entrepreneurship at the regional and local level in south east Europe (2005)

The OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) programme held a seminar in Bulgaria in 2005 to review ways of financing small and medium enterprises. This was one of a series of seminars intended to review a range of activities intended to promote entrepreneurship in south east Europe. The results of the seminars were published in 2007 in "Promoting Entrepreneurship in South East Europe: Policies and tools".

David Irwin was asked both to make a presentation at the seminar on financing entrepreneurship and to act as rapporteur. The eventual result was a paper, originally written in 2005, which reviews mechanisms for financing entrepreneurship and new, emerging businesses at the regional and local level and assesses the current position in SEE countries. Transitional economies have acknowledged that SMEs are crucial for industrial restructuring and have formulated national SME development policies and programmes. The growth of SMEs in the region suggests that there is significant potential for further expansion. This can only happen if it becomes easier for entrepreneurs to raise the finance that they need. The chapter highlights the need for work in three key areas: firstly, on the demand side, by building the capacity of entrepreneurs to manage their businesses effectively so that they can secure credit more easily; secondly, on the supply side, by combining new instruments and more enlightened banks; and, thirdly, through mediation, by matching supply and demand with good business support agencies, business angel networks and regional stock exchanges, for example.

SME policy in City of Valencia, Spain (2007)

The OECD was commissioned by the City of Valencia to review its economic development strategy and to make recommendations for improvements. To undertake this assignment, the OECD pulled together an international team of four together with two members of staff.

David Irwin joined the team to review the City's existing support for new and growing businesses and to make recommendations fo how this could be improved. The final report, entitled "Foreign direct investment, internationalisation strategies and economic development in Valencia, Spain" was published in March 2007.

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Public policy reform