Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation is one of the largest
independent grant-making foundations in the UK. It aims to improve the quality of life throughout
the UK. It does this by funding the charitable activities of organisations that have the ideas and
ability to achieve change for the better.
David Irwin has undertaken more than 100 appraisals of social enterprises and charities wishing to earn at least some of their income and who are seeking grants or loans to provide a kick start to an income earning opportunity. In addition, at EFF's request he is available to provide support for organisations that have been funded, or who might be funded, by EFF. Support has included strategic review, business planning, market assessment or costing and pricing.
Supported organisations include
CPAG is the leading charity campaigning for the abolition of child poverty in the UK and for a better deal for low-income families and children. CPAG aims to:
London Cycling Campaign (LCC) was set up in 1978 to make London a better place for cycling. LCC aims to:
David Irwin has undertaken more than 100 appraisals of social enterprises and charities wishing to earn at least some of their income and who are seeking grants or loans to provide a kick start to an income earning opportunity. In addition, at EFF's request he is available to provide support for organisations that have been funded, or who might be funded, by EFF. Support has included strategic review, business planning, market assessment or costing and pricing.
Supported organisations include
Organisation Cetacea (2005, 2010)
Organisation Cetacea (ORCA) is a registered charity that provides a forum for undertaking research, gathering observation data and raising interest and participation in conservation research on whales and dolphins. I first assessed ORCA in 2005 recommending the need for a strategic review and providing some modest further assistance. I undertook a further review in 2010, with recommendations to update the strategy and for Esmee Fairbairn Foundation to fund a CEO for three years, to which they agreed. I then supported the new CEO, Sally Hamilton, to develop appropriate strategic objectives and activities. An email from Sally in Aug 2023 says:
It was through your guidance and strategic business sense that enabled ORCA to move
from a predominantly volunteer lead charity to a financially robust one. ORCA turnover
will be well over 1/2 million next year and this I always attribute to your guidance
and kindness early on.”
Sally Hamilton, CEO, Orca
Sally reports that turnover for FY24 is now approaching £1m, which is a testament to Orca's professionalism in all that it does. Read their latest report on the State of CetaceansChild Poverty Action Group (2007)
CPAG is the leading charity campaigning for the abolition of child poverty in the UK and for a better deal for low-income families and children. CPAG aims to:
- Raise awareness of the causes, extent, nature and impact of poverty, and strategies for its eradication and prevention;
- Bring about positive policy changes for families with children in poverty;
- Enable those eligible for income maintenance to have access to their full entitlement.
The support
In 2007, with support from Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, David Irwin assisted CPAG to undertake a strategic review. The objectives were to develop key strategic objectives reflecting the existing mission and vision, to identify and understand the needs of key customers and stakeholders, to identify the potential for new services or for old services delivered in new ways, to consider the internal processes and the resources to deliver the needs and to explore the scope for improving those processes.The result
Kate Green, the CEO (at the time), explains that this was followed with a range of projects within an overall strategic development programme and regular management team reviews and additionally secured specialist help to take aspects of the development work forward, particularly in relation to improving business performance and external communications. From this she expected to see quite significant changes to organisational processes and ways of working. Kate commentedI can see
looking back on the last few months that you very much helped set the context for the detailed examination
of all our activities which we are now engaged in, and I wanted to thank you for helping us to kick off
what has turned out to be a very major and significant review of all our work.
London Cycling Campaign (2012-2013)
London Cycling Campaign (LCC) was set up in 1978 to make London a better place for cycling. LCC aims to:
- Double its voice - through recruiting many more members and encouraging more cyclists to join its campaigns;
- Make its voice heard - by running bigger and more participatory campaigns to promote the importance of cycling in London
- Sustain its voice - by providing services for cyclists intended to earn income that will, ultimately, provide the majority of its revenue